Narcotics Defense

The Geller Firm has represented individuals charged with serious narcotics offenses, including importation, distribution, sales, and conspiracy to engage in narcotics trafficking, including methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl and other controlled substances.

Drug charges can be prosecuted by both the state of California and the federal government for the crimes of possession, trafficking, distributing, manufacturing/cultivation, or conspiracy to engage in any of the former activities with regard to a controlled substance.

If charged with a crime or under investigation it is important to consult with a skilled criminal defense attorney at the earliest possible time.  Marc Geller, of The Geller Firm, has been a successful criminal defense attorney in San Diego for over 50 years.  If you are charged with a crime in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact Mr. Geller to protect your rights and resolve your legal problems.

Defending Against Drug Charges

There are a number of very important considerations that should weigh in the decision of who you should retain to represent you when facing federal criminal charges.  Acknowledging the government’s potentially unlimited manpower and resources to investigate and prosecute criminal cases, it is essential to have the very best criminal defense attorney that you can afford.  Considering what is at stake when you face a criminal charge, it is important to hire the best criminal defense attorney you can afford.