DUI Defense

In California, and in all other states, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content greater than 0.08 percent.  Most drivers who are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) are charged with two offenses: (1) driving while under the influence and (2) driving with a BAC of at least 0.08 percent.  A DUI is generally charged as a misdemeanor offense, absent aggravating circumstances.

Facing a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charge can pose significant legal and financial problems.  With your driving privilege hanging in the balance, and facing possible fines and jail time, it is essential that you consult an experienced DUI defense attorney.  Mr. Geller has a successful track record defending clients charged with DUI offenses for 50 years.  Mr. Geller’s skill and experience defending DUI cases has benefited many clients, who have kept their licenses and avoided jail time and fines.

Stop and Arrest

Once an officer stops you and your vehicle, the officer will observe your demeanor and ability to answer questions, among other factors. The following can help the officer conclude that you are under the influence:

  • Driving behavior–Weaving, sudden stops, rolling through a stop sign, nodding at the wheel, erratic gestures in your car, sudden acceleration or braking, drifting, wide turns or loss of control of the auto.

  • Demeanor–Flushed face, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, inability to answer questions, odor of alcohol.

  • Roadside tests–Failure to adequately perform balance tests and failing a preliminary breath test.

  • Confession–You admitted drinking.

Contact a DUI Defense Lawyer Today

If you have been arrested and charged with a DUI then it is essential that you act quickly and immediately consult Mr. Geller to evaluate your case so that he can advise you as to the best course of action to serve your interests.  After your arrest you only have 10 days to schedule an administrative hearing to prevent an automatic suspension of your driving privilege.